Global Warming: Observations vs. Climate Models
Everybody loves Dr. Carl Sagan, but the climate changes he warned about forty years ago have not come to pass. It is time to re-evaluate our models of the Greenhouse effect.
“I’ve been hearing about global warming, now called climate change, for over 30 years (37 according to this video). I’ve grown up, raised kids, traveled the world, owned several cars. All while being told my quality of life and those around me will deteriorate, significantly. I bought houses, gone to the beach, lakes, rivers. I sold my house in New York, which, according to Al Gore should’ve been a lakefront property by now. And you know what? Your life has been splendid too, all while waiting for an environmental apocalypse that is 50 years late. If you’re over the age of 40 and you still believe in emission based climate change, shame on you. You had 30 years of your life to realize that it wasn’t real. Every generation needs a environmental crisis to drive policy. It’s simply a ploy by the trillion dollar green industry to keep cash flow into special interests, to keep oil prices high, and enforce more controls over people. Look out your window. It’s a beautiful day, go to it and enjoy your life.”
~ Dr. I. D. Hosein, Syracuse University (2023)
When I was just a teenager, in 1985, the esteemed Carl Sagan spoke to Congress about the potential dangers faced by the global climate and the global ecosystem. Even then, he described that the problem of climate change is not a greenhouse effect issue but an overgrazing issue. It is time to re-evaluate the importance of the greenhouse effect. Our climate models have predicted doom and sea-level rise for forty years and they all have over-predicted. The globalists and the technocrats know this.
Scientist Dr. Roy Spencer has recently examined the exaggerated global warming trends produced by climate models over the last 50 years or so. These are the models used to guide energy policy in the U.S. and around the world, and their blind acceptance is causing the misery and unrest starting up in Europe today.